traffic lights

traffic lightsHave you ever thought about how traffic signals could be vessels of sustainability? The Lone Tree Public Works Department has, and this is reflected in the traffic signals you might see daily driving throughout the City.

In an effort to maximize energy savings, the City decided nearly a decade ago that all traffic signals in Lone Tree would be switched to LED lighting. This transition has resulted in 60 percent energy savings and continues today!

As new traffic signals are added, only LED lighting is being used. These efforts will continue even as the City develop on the east side of I-25. In addition to traffic signals, all street lights on the east side will also be LED.

As one other energy-saving action, the pedestrian street lights on Lincoln Avenue and Yosemite Street operate on a set programed schedule where every other one turns off from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. to further save energy. So if you never thought about traffic signals before, now you can rest assured, any time you drive or walk through any of the 54 traffic signals in Lone Tree, LED lighting is being used to optimize energy savings.