Linda Glover
Phone: 720-390-5211
The City recognizes that signs and other graphic elements play an important role in communicating messages and shaping the character of the community. Lone Tree has standards based upon the sign category, regardless of sign content, that protect public safety, reduce visual clutter, and ensure that high standards for community appearance and architecture are maintained.
Categories include wall, freestanding, awning, canopy, projecting, and incidental signs. Permanent signs should relate to and enhance the project it serves, as well as promote a high-quality image for Lone Tree. Permanent signs shall adhere to the City’s Sign Standards in the Zoning Code and the Lone Tree Design Guidelines & Standards for Architecture and Site Planning (page 44).
All permanent signage requires completion and approval of a Building Permit from the Building Division. Before applying for the Building Permit, you must create an Accela account. A post-installation inspection must also be scheduled. Fees are calculated based upon project valuation: Building Permit Fee Schedule. Please contact the Building Division for questions on sign standards, design guidelines, and permits.
For details about allowed temporary signs on single-family property and multifamily apartments and condos, see Temporary Residential Signs Guidelines below. Signs are not allowed on public property.
Categories include portable signs, window signs, and banners. For details about allowed temporary signs on non-residential property, see Temporary Signs on Nonresidential Property Guidelines below. Signs are not allowed on public property.
Signs associated with a special event or temporary use are approved through the Temporary Use Permit process. Signs are not allowed on public property.
With the exception of governmental and traffic safety signs, the City does not allow signs on public property including but not limited to street rights-of-way, medians, sidewalks, and parks and open space. Prohibited signs categories include balloons, inflatable devices, advertising flags, pennants or spinners, inflatable signs, and sail banners. Ground signs are prohibited in commercial areas.
Signs May Not be Placed on Public Property including Streets, Sidewalks, and Parks
In addition to the permanent monument and wall signs each business has, every business in Lone Tree has sixty (60) days during which a banner may be displayed on their building. See the mandatory yet free banner permit application and details contained in the attached summary of Outdoor Advertising Opportunities.
Businesses may use up to 50% of window space for advertising. Each business or entity may display one portable, freestanding sidewalk sign per public entry door to the establishment not to exceed 12 square feet per side, and located within 20 feet of the entry of the business for which the sign is advertising.
Please note that inflatable devices, balloons, advertising flags, streamers, pennants, searchlights, and lawn or yard signs are prohibited on commercial property.
In addition to the permanent monument and wall signs each business has, every business in Lone Tree has sixty (60) days during which a banner may be displayed on their building.