A woman in glasses is driving a red car, while holding a coffee cup in one hand and talking on her cell phone.

Lone Tree PD is asking Lone Tree Residents to help curb distracted driving in the City

If you made the decision to stop driving distracted, what impact would you have? If your children saw you choose to put the phone away driving them to practice, could you teach them to do the same? Would your neighbors walking along RidgeGate Parkway feel safer? 

A 2021 Colorado Department of Transportation study showed that a concerning 91% of drivers had driven while distracted at least once in the past week. More than half of those drivers said they were “often” or “always” distracted while driving. In 2020, distracted drivers were involved in 10,166 crashes on Colorado roads – resulting in 1,476 injuries and 68 fatalities.

What is distracted driving?

Drivers are often distracted by eating or drinking, selecting entertainment, sending and reading texts, or looking after children or pets in the vehicle. We know that you’re leading busy lives and are used to multitasking, but splitting your attention while driving has dangerous risks. Drivers who are distracted, especially by their phones, are four times more likely to be involved in a crash than undistracted drivers. 

As a traffic officer I have seen that a large majority of the crashes I go to are most likely attributed to distracted driving, says Lone Tree Police Officer Reid Perry. Most people think of distracted driving as something to do with cell phones, but I have seen people distracted by GPS units, radio playlists, rowdy passengers, and pets in their laps.

A man seems to be driving while using the Apple Vision Pro goggles

Don’t be this guy – trade the distractions for some sunglasses!

Why it matters

Lone Tree is a community for everyone, and the safety and well-being of our families, friends, and neighbors is most important. CDOT’s distracted driving simulation found that a driver taking their eyes off of the road for just three seconds is enough to hit 20 cyclists with their vehicle. Neighbors who bike, walk, or ride on the sides of the streets and sidewalks deserve your attention to ensure their safety. 

Shift into Safe is the name of the Colorado Department of Transportation’s traffic safety brand. Its name and mission both encourage all people in Colorado to actively change their mindset and make a conscious decision to pay attention and be safe every time they get behind the wheel.  

The safest bet is to not become complacent with driving, to not allow your mind to wonder to any of those devices and other distractions in your car, says Officer Perry.

Make the choice today to stop driving distracted and tell your friends and passengers that you are dedicated to changing your driving habits. Waiting a few more minutes to dig into your food or check your texts could make the difference between getting where you’re going safely a costly, serious accident.

Remember: If you see someone driving recklessly, report it to the Lone Tree Police Department.