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As of August 9, 2024, the City of Lone Tree is under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions
This is a change from the Stage 2 Fire Restrictions enacted on July 31, 2024.

City Council

Mayor Marissa Harmon

District 1
Council Member Mike Parr

Council Member Jay Carpenter

District 2
Council Member Alecia Brown

Council Member Mike Anderson

The City of Lone Tree City Council consists of five elected members including the Mayor. Each member serves a staggered, four year-term and represents one of two districts within Lone Tree, except for the Mayor, who serves as an At-Large member.  Members of the City Council represent the residents of Lone Tree and can be contacted about community questions, comments or concerns.

Want to invite members of the City Council to an event?

Submit invitations and requests for Council members through our Community Contact Form. A City staff member will then contact you about your request.

Meet with Mayor Jackie Millet

Have a question for Lone Tree Mayor Jackie Millet? Request a meeting, either in person, over the phone, or over email, using the button below. 

City Council Meetings

Lone Tree City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.

Due to renovations of the Lone Tree Civic Center, City Council meetings will be temporarily held at the Lone Tree Municipal Building, 9220 Kimmer Drive, in the Juniper conference room. Meetings scheduled for September 3, September 16, October 1, and October 15 will be at the Municipal Building.

Outside of current renovations, meetings are held at the Lone Tree Civic Center, 8527 Lone Tree Parkway, and are open to the public. The meetings are structured as follows:

Study Sessions at 4:30 pm: the City Council will hold a Study Session where it receives presentations from staff or invited guests on various topics. The public is welcome to attend Study Sessions virtually, however, there is no public comment.

Executive Sessions at 6:00 pm: the City Council may hold an Executive Session between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm. These are meetings where only the City Council, the city attorney, and select city staff may attend. The reason for an Executive Session will be announced publically at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers if an Executive Session is held.

Regular Meetings at 7:00 pm: the City Council’s regular meeting is where the City Council votes on formal actions and receives public comment. Comments from the public are welcome at three different occasions during the regular meeting: during the scheduled public comment portion of the agenda, during a scheduled public hearing, or upon invitation of the Mayor at the discretion of City Council.

Agendas for upcoming City Council meetings are normally published the Friday before the Tuesday meeting. The agenda for the three most recent meetings can be found below. For older agendas, meeting packets, and meeting minutes visit the City’s meeting portal.

Follow the button above to subscribe to Email notifications when new City Council meeting agendas are posted.

Mayor Marissa Harmon

At Large Member
Term Expiration Year: 2028
Eligible for Reelection
Ph: 720.582.3586

Marissa Harmon took office as Lone Tree’s 4th Mayor in May 2024. She is an entrepreneur, small business owner and the first elected official to own a brick and mortar business in the City of Lone Tree.  Her decision to run for office originated from a deep desire to serve and maintain the quality of life for residents and businesses in our growing community. Mayor Harmon’s commitment to the community is demonstrated through her prior service on the City Council, Lone Tree Planning Commission, Douglas County Youth Initiative, South Suburban Parks and Recreation subcommittee, Colorado Municipal League, and Co-chairing the campaign for 2E.

Marissa and her husband have been proud residents of Lone Tree for over a decade and feel fortunate to be raising two daughters in this amenity-rich community. You will likely see them hiking, biking, and running throughout the city taking advantage of every opportunity to be outdoors. Mayor Harmon understands the importance of commerce, community, and culture that makes our City so special.

In her role as mayor, she actively represents Lone Tree through her involvement with numerous organizations, including the Chair of Partnership of Douglas County Governments; Denver South Economic Development Partnership Board of Directors; Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Board of Directors; and the Metro Mayors Caucus. She is passionate about supporting Lone Tree residents, businesses and restaurants and looks forward to engaging with residents throughout the community.

Mayor Pro Tem Jay Carpenter

District 1
Term Expiration Year: 2026
Term Limited
Ph: 720.840.4286

Jay Carpenter has lived in Lone Tree since 2000 with his wife Melissa. All four of his children were born at Sky Ridge Medical Center. Jay initially became involved with the City in 2010 as a member of the Citizens Recreation Committee and served as a City Council Member from 2016-2022. Professionally, Jay owns a financial planning practice. He is extremely excited about the opportunity for smart growth in Ridgegate East while continuing to position the entire City as a Platinum community. 

Councilmember Mike Parr

District 1
Term Expiration Year: 2028
Eligible for Reelection
Ph: 303.241.4023

As a dedicated member of the Lone Tree City Council, Mike Parr is committed to ensuring fiscal responsibility, enhancing the quality and character of the city, and maintaining a safe, strong community. A Colorado native and active volunteer in Lone Tree for the past 23 years, Mike has had the privilege of serving the community in various capacities. These roles include two terms as Chair of the Lone Tree Recreation Advisory Committee, current membership in the Douglas County Open Space Committee, and active participation in the Lone Tree Elevated Steering Committee.

Mike and his wife Sabrina are deeply passionate about Lone Tree and its offerings, having found it the perfect place to raise their two children, Emily and Nick. Professionally, Mike’s career in the insurance industry has seen him undertake many roles, culminating in his current position as the managing director for a national insurance brokerage. He brings this extensive experience to his work on the City Council, continually striving to serve the best interests of the wonderful Lone Tree community.

Council Member Alecia Brown

District 2
Term Expiration Year: 2028
Eligible for Reelection
Ph: 303.968.8660

After serving for over a decade in local government Council Member Alecia Brown understands the critical importance our municipal government plays in keeping our community safe, our businesses thriving and maintaining our high quality of life.  Public safety, fiscal responsibility, and smartly planned growth are foundational to ensuring wise investments and a continued strong diverse economy for the city of Lone Tree.

Alecia served on the Planning Commission as Vice-Chair and most recently Chair and understands that land use decisions are complex and need to complement and enhance our community. As a Council Member, Alecia pledges to engage and listen attentively to all constituents and focus on making wise strategic decisions that ensure the City of Lone Tree remains fiscally strong, fosters a climate of thriving top-tier businesses, and protects and enhances the quality of life.  Decisions made today will shape the future of Lone Tree for generations to come.

Alecia and her husband, Mike have three young adult children all married to incredible spouses and three amazing grandchildren.  Her family loves spending time together and traveling together.  You can usually find Alecia and Mike at the Lone Tree Arts Center enjoying one of the amazing performances.  She is a very involved servant leader in her church community at Cherry Creek Presbyterian where she serves as an Elder, Stephen Minister and member of the regional ministerial committee.

Her background in Corporate Finance, board service, and long tenured civic engagement have prepared her well to serve the citizens of Lone Tree as our new Council Member. Council Member Brown is a proud alum of the University of Maryland – undergraduate B.S. Education and the American University in Washington, D.C. – graduate MBA Finance studies.

Councilmember Mike Anderson

District 2
Term Expiration Year: 2026
Term Limited
Ph: 303.495.8231

Mike Anderson has served as a Lone Tree City Council member for District 2 since 2018. Prior to his term on the City Council Mike served two terms on the South Suburban Park and Recreation District Board of Directors from 2010 to 2018. His prior professional experience includes over 30 years of engineering, project and technical management in refineries and chemical plants in the United States.

He has lived in Lone Tree with his wife, Cheryl, for over 20 years. They have three children, five grandchildren, and one great grandchild spread between Seattle, WA, Denver, and Houston, TX.  Mike enjoys the great outdoors, golf, dog walking, and promoting wellness in the community. An avid member of the Lone Tree Men’s Golf Club, his picture is posted at the Lone Tree Golf Course if you search the Grille area!

Mike represents the City throughout the region as a representative to the Centennial Airport Community Noise Roundtable, the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority Board of Directors, Douglas County Housing Partnership Board of Directors, South Suburban Parks and Recreation, Lone Tree Living and Aging Well Commission, and collaboration work with Park Meadows Metro District.

Lone Tree City Council Terms

Terms of office are established by the City’s CharterThe Mayor and Council members shall serve no more than two (2) full consecutive terms in one (1) office or eight (8) consecutive years, whichever is longer, commencing after the effective date of this Charter. A person may serve two (2) consecutive terms as Mayor and two (2) consecutive terms as a Council member without a break between offices, or fewer terms in either office, without violating the terms hereof. For purposes of these term limits, one (1) Council member position is the same as any other Council member position.

Meeting & Event Notices

Notices for meetings and events where three or more members of the Lone Tree City Council or the City’s Commissions, Boards and Committees can be found here.