Happy New Year, Lone Tree!

Congratulations on making it through the trials and tribulations of the last year! I hope you had a blessed holiday season and were able to enjoy time with family and friends. Thankfully, we can all take comfort in knowing that in 2022 we are in a far better place than we were at the start of last year. Even though it has been exhausting and at times feels like we’re taking “one step forward, two steps back,” the risks for most people are objectively less than one year ago and our community is recovering. We’ve seen great strides to reopen businesses, get our kids back in schools, and return to a greater sense of normalcy. While risk still remains in 2022 and we must keep our guard up, over the next year I am confident we will see Lone Tree transition from recovering to flourishing.

With the decisive passage of ballot issue 2E in November, the City is well-positioned to invest in the vital public safety, public works, and capital improvement initiatives that will solidify our reputation as one of Colorado’s premier communities into the future. The hard work of Lone Tree businesses will continue to pay off as we witness the resilience of our restaurants and retailers and welcome new businesses and local entrepreneurs to the city in 2022. Collaboration and partnerships will continue to play a vital role as we work to ensure anticipated growth and development enhances the character and vibrancy of the city. We also look forward to welcoming back even more of the city’s office workers and hope there will be increased stability within supply chains to support the growth of our business community.

Lone Tree’s future is very bright, in large part because of the people that make up our community. I feel a deep appreciation for all our community members, who have stepped up time and time again throughout Lone Tree’s history to help their neighbors, to give back, and to dedicate themselves to making this City one of the best places for us to call home. I am very excited for the opportunities 2022 will present and I know working together we will accomplish great things.

Happy New Year!
Mayor Jackie Millet